Polishing & Finishing and Indoor Air Quality
Polishing and other finishing applications such as buffing, beveling and edging are used at the end of the production process to refine the surface of the workpiece. Polishing and buffing can be done by hand or with the use of an abrasive belt or wheel. Both processes remove scratches and nicks from a part while improving luster and shine. Of the two, buffing is less abrasive, leading to a smoothing, brighter finish. Many industries such as medical, dental, optical and jewelry use polishing or buffing applications in their manufacturing process. Other finishing applications such as beveling and edging that are used in the optical lab industry further help refine the edges of a workpiece and size it accordingly.
Health Risks Associated with Finishing Applications
Polishing and other finishing applications create airborne dust and particulates that pollute indoor air. If inhaled, these toxic dusts can lead to a number of adverse health effects often concerning the lungs. Other organs remain at risk as well as these dusts can dissolve in the bloodstream and travel throughout the body. Damage may be seen in the liver, kidneys and even brain. The type of material used largely determines the resulting health problem.
Finishing dust can become airborne and quickly spread throughout the workplace. Eliminating these dusts at source helps protect workers and prevent damage to costly machinery and equipment. A HEPA dust extractor that captures, filters and removes dust as it is produced, along with an effective air purifier, keeps air clean and safe for workers to breathe.
Indoor Air Quality Solutions for Polishing & Finishing

Low-Profile Dust Collector
Low-profile, light duty collector with a versatile filtration system which allows for disposable bag, HEPA cartridge and gas phase filter.
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Compact Dust Collector
Featuring a compact, space-saving design with a 2-stage filtration system (antimicrobial bag filter and certified HEPA filter). Whisper-quiet performance.
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PowerStation 3
Premium Dust Collector
Low-maintenance, premium dust collector with extra-large HEPA filter and large filter bags. Available with infinity or brushless motors.
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iVAC Compact
Self-Cleaning HEPA Dust Collector
Efficient debris removal system featuring a small footprint, front-facing digital (iSeries) control panel and medical-grade HEPA filter.
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